Meet Gregory Fulks: Videographer/Photographer & Producer/Editor

In this article by Shoutout HTX I go over a hand full of topics on my personal life including:

  1. My work-life balance and how it has changed over time
  2. My career
  3. My favorite things to do in my city
  4. People who have influenced me


We had the good fortune of connecting with Gregory Fulks and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Gregory, how has your work-life balance changed over time?
My work life balance has definitely changed over the years and as it should. –  When I first started in my career in videography & Photography I was taking any job I could get… Therefore it was tough to commit to plans with friends because at any moment a paying job could arise and I felt as if I needed to take it. . – Now days i’m able to set aside days on my calendar and plan for things that I want to do with friends and family.  I’m also able to say no to a lot more roles that don’t aline with my goals. – Doing so I’ve set a standard for my work to where I can put in the quality time needed while not spreading myself to then. – There are weeks when I’m extra busy working 10-15 hour days but those usually only last for 2-5 days and then afterwards I can celebrate with some time off. – One of the big pros or benefits with my job is… (Continue in article below)

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